Singing From The Heart

By on September 10, 2019
Ashley Stevenson, Landslide 2016.

How do you make a great song yours?

You sing from the heart.

Bo Rodda caught this fantastic performance of Fleetwood Mac’s, Landslide from Ashley Stevenson during his commute on Chicago’s Blue Line.

Ashley Stevenson, formerly known as Slim Freedom, is a singer-songwriter, guitarist and street performer based in Chicago.

For years she has displayed her talent in the subways of Chicago to support herself. Recently her performances have gotten the attention of YouTubers who’ve filmed her songs in “The Tunnels” as Ashley refers to them. Many of these videos have reached tens of thousands of views and her cover of Landslide received more than 10 million views since its release a year ago. In 2018 Ashley Stevenson looks to spread her message even wider and plans to release a series of professional recordings of her covers and past originals as she prepares her debut album.

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