Americana-Country Rock Band Bleu Skye Crew Release Debut Single, “Doll House”

By on May 11, 2022

Bloomingdale, Illinois Americana/Country Rock group The Skye Bleu Crew recently released their emotive, classic-sounding debut single “Doll House”, out now on streaming platforms. Clocking in at just 2 minutes 29 seconds, “Doll House” showcases the newcomer band’s uncanny songwriting ability and knack for simplicity as they opt to keep things short and sweet. Jen Botka’s pristine vocals cut through the jangly, blues-infused guitar-work, sitting somewhere sonically between Bonnie Raitt and Heart.

“Doll House” is a promising debut from this group of seasoned musicians who have plenty more music on the horizon. The single was mastered by Grammy Winner Blaise Barton at JoyRide Studios, Chicago, IL

Listen to “Doll House” on Spotify.
Listen to “Doll House” on Youtube.
Listen on Apple Music.
HearNow One Page

Musician Names/Instruments: Jen Botka: Vocal, Jason Botka: Guitar and Organ, Johnny Gadeikis: Bass, Dominic Fallico: Drums

Artist Biography: 
Doll House is a Song so Short and Sweet it’ll make you Weep! Custom made for Jen Botka by Keith Fallico (at just under 2:30) and then transposed to perfection by Maestro Jason Botka, it bottoms up with Johnny Gadeikis and Rookie Phenom Dom Fallico on only his second studio recording. The icing on the sonic cake is ax master Bill Sonoda for the solo’s. It’s the first single release from Sink or Swim by The Skye Bleu Crew!

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