Arcade Fire @Forecastle

By on July 18, 2018

Arcade Fire, Louisville, KY. Forecastle Music Festival 2018.

The Montreal six-piece came out swinging last weekend at the Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY.

Check out the great shots from the eye of Emily May.Arcade Fire

All images Emily May

Arcade Fire is a Canadian indie rock band, consisting of husband and wife Win Butler and Régine Chassagne, along with Win’s younger brother William Butler, Richard Reed Parry, Tim Kingsbury and Jeremy Gara. The band’s current touring line-up also includes former core member Sarah Neufeld, percussionist Tiwill Duprate and saxophonist Stuart Bogie.

Because Régine Chassagne is of Haitian descent, Arcade Fire continuously works to support Haitian people through raising awareness of the struggles this country currently faces, as well as the history, specifically the regime of François Duvalier in which 30,000 to 60,000 Haitians were murdered.

Everything Now
Here Comes the Night Time
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
(w/ “I Give You Power” snippet)
Rebellion (Lies)
Electric Blue
Put Your Money on Me
Half Light II (No Celebration)
Cars and Telephones
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
The Suburbs
Ready to Start
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
Creature Comfort


Bourbon & Beyond Lineup 2018

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