Don’t Do Me Like That

By on November 5, 2021

(Nov. 5th, 1979) On this day in Rock Music History, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers released the single “Don’t Do Me Like That”. It was released as the 1st single from the album ‘Damn the Torpedoes’. It reached #10 on Billboard, becoming the band’s 1st Top 10 hit.

TP wrote this with his first band Mudcrutch in 1974. “Don’t do me like that” is an old Southern expression, meaning either “Don’t try to fool me” or “Don’t mistreat me.” Damn The Torpedoes was one song short from completion and Tom asked the band if they had any song in mind they could record. Someone with a great ear and memory suggested this song and it made it to vinyl. The Mudcrutch version of this song can be found on the boxed set “Playback.”

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