Eminem Lawsuit May Raise Pay for Older Artists

By on March 13, 2013

A federal lawsuit that has been closely watched in the music industry because of its potential effect on the contentious issue of digital royalties has been settled.


In the case, F.B.T. Productions v. Aftermath Records, a team of Eminem’s early producers sued a subsidiary of the Universal Music Group, arguing that they were not getting the royalties they were owed from downloads at iTunes and other digital stores.

The F.B.T. case — Eminem himself was not a party — opened the door for a wave of litigation over the last two years. Artists as varied as Kenny Rogers, James Taylor, the Temptations, Weird Al Yankovic and Rob Zombie have all filed suits arguing that their labels owed them huge amounts of digital royalties. Sony settled a similar class-action suit earlier this year, agreeing to pay artists a total of $8 million.

Read the full story:  http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/30/lawsuit-seeking-greater-digital-royalties-for-eminems-music-is-settled/

PHOTO Attribution: WhiteBoyzCantRun at en.wikipedia

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