Blue Rodeo

By on July 24, 2013

Here are some photos I took of Canadian music icons (and, incidentally, my pals) Blue Rodeo from their performance at this year’s Salmon Festival in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland. I wrote a blog piece on my history with this band, and you can view it HERE. The boys have just finished a new album that’s set for an October release. We will certainly be reviewing it here at OnStage. As with my drummer-less Tragically Hip gallery, I have to send out apologies to BR drummer Glenn Milchem who (due to the high stage) was too far back for me to reach with my lens. Too bad, because he’s Canada’s most handsome drummer!

Jim Cuddy   Greg Keelor


Bazil Donovan   Bob Egan


Colin Cripps   Jim

Greg   Michael Bugowski

Jim and Greg   Jim


(Members’ names are on the bottom of the photos when clicked.)

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