Ryan Adams in Indianapolis

By on December 3, 2022
Marquee of the Old National Center, Murat Theater, Indianapolis

Ryan Adams appeared at Old National Center in Indianapolis on Thursday night, to a less than full venue to perform his songs. The restrictions on the photographers by the Artist were reminiscent of photographing the diva Mariah Carey. This is not a review of the show, but let’s be clear: Ryan Adams is a fabulous musician, and this photographer personally thinks he does cover songs of Taylor Swift and Oasis better than the original artists themselves.

Adams is going through some personal turmoil, recently, on instagram nearly begging the industry for a second chance due to allegations of inappropriate conduct. It is my hope that he will use this chance to be more accommodating to the photographers and writers who choose to cover his shows, and not chastise a handful of people for arriving late, when he didn’t even start the show on time. It’s difficult to get quality images when one is dealing with three poorly placed table lamps, and some people have jobs and kids, or maybe he will find that the audience just may not be into him.

Ryan Adams in Indianapolis, with three table lamps for lighting. File Photo: Larry Philpot
Ryan Adams in Indianapolis. Photo Credit: Larry Philpot
Ryan Adams launching into a diatribe about a handful of people arriving late for the 7:30pm show, calling attention to them and holding up the show until they found their seats. Photo Credit: Larry Philpot

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