ACL 2016: Flight Facilities

By on October 3, 2016

Austin City Limits Festival 2016:

Flight Facilities achieve lift off  with a stunning performance from “Owl Eyes” at the Home Away Stage.

Flight Facilities is an Australian production duo culminating from years of consistency.   The flight experience is well-packaged,  polished, and a risk free adventure. Listeners know their destination long before they climb aboard: funky house drops,  trippy licks, catchy basslines, swooshy swirls and other synthesized sounds give them  a bounce, but it really does sound beautiful. Smooth flying, with not a single hard edge on the horizon.

As their jet-set dreams take off, we caught them at the Austin City Limits Festival before they make a trip through rarefied air and fly right into super stardom. The in-flight entertainment was amped up for the ACL crowd with a stellar performance from “Owl Eyes.”

See the stunning pictures below:


flight facilities

flight facilities



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