Dusty Grant Debuts Single ‘This Longing Heart’

By on May 17, 2017


Dusty Grant

With a bare bones guitar and vocal cadence slightly reminiscent of Ian Anderson, American Midwest singer-songwriter Dusty Grant pumps blood and soul into his debut single, “This Longing Heart.”

Promo shot 1After working in the music business for 17 years, the time seemed right for Dusty Grant to go it alone. Totally alone. “This Longing Heart” with just an acoustic guitar for accompaniment, keeps the focus squarely on the feel of the song. Written during a tough period of Grant’s life, “This Longing Heart” would seem to have had a cathartic effect.

There is a good amount of maturity in both the lyrics and the music. Life lessons tend to have that type of influence. Feelings of acceptance fall between the highs and lows of life. “This Longing Heart” has an enjoyable quick pace, and Grant’s vocals seem to rise from an area of comfort, of a man who is at ease with his voice.

Dusty Grant is a multi-instrumentalist but he kept it simple on the single. That seems to be his plan for the moment. A couple more of his songs can be found online, and it will be interesting to hear how much the sound and the feel of his newer material changes from “This Longing Heart,” which was the first song Grant wrote as a solo artist.

There’s a little darkness in this song, and more than a little longing. For a debut single from a singer-songwriter, it’s a strong start.

Take a listen.

Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

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