Francesca Brown Has The “Hashslingin’ Blues”

By on February 4, 2020
photo credit: Erik Austin Savoy

“God save me from this restaurant, cause I’m in hell and it’s burning hot.”

So begins “Hashslingin’ Blues,” the latest release from California based singer-songwriter Francesca Brown. It’s autobiographical with tons of attitude, and anyone who has worked a crap job while working on your life’s dream can relate to the song.

“Hashslingin’ Blues” is heavy on the country feel with plenty of pedal steel and Dolly Parton style twang. Brown’s own life story reads like a country song. Alternately being raised between California and Illinois, growing up life was unstable and further affected by the death of her sister and illness of her mother.

photo credit: Erik Austin Savoy

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and Brown took her difficulties and channeled them into music. Her first release Collide opened up her musical path through the California desert and mountain towns. 2017 brought her next release, an EP titled Whiskey Barrel Blues. Her 2018 release, “Honey I’m A Woman,” let her explore her self-awareness, thus making a statement for herself and all women.

“Hashslingin’ Blues” keeps the empowerment theme going, realizing that the only way to get through hell is to keep going.

Take a listen.

Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

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