Jamie Carol: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make “Lemonade”

By on June 21, 2021

One could say that Jamie Carol did a major course correction in his musical career. After singing opera onstage in Italian, French, and German, he felt a southern twang was more his style, so he began writing and singing country music. C-O-U-N-T-R-Y music. Yep.

Though born and raised in Southern California, Carol has family roots in the deep south. He is now based out of Phoenix, where his songwriting deals with hard truths, hard life, and ways to deal with it.

His new single “Lemonade” is an example of his musical style and direction. Needing to drown his sorrows after a relationship breakup, Carol turns to the hard stuff he prefers…Lemonade. 

“Now I need to wash her likeness from this troubled mind, but the only drink that I can stand is the unfermented kind”

Jamie Carol’s voice is big and booming, though it would seem the notes in country songs aren’t nearly as hard to hit as those on the opera stage. The lyrics are uncomplicated but nicely crafted. 

“Some guys drink the pain away with whiskey from the well. And some prefer to sip a high class Jackass zinfandel.”

The tune is a nod back to old country and worlds away from new country-rock. It’s fun and sappy sweet for those who prefer a tart lemonade over an ice cold beer. Either choice is refreshing, so sit back and enjoy.

Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

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