Kivanc Kilicer’s Chilling Video “Devil’s Thought”

By on October 24, 2016


Kivanc Kilicer released a video for “Devil’s Thought,” and it’s an intense and haunting adventure

While the song is good any time of year, the video fits quite nicely into the Halloween season.

Kilicer is the former frontman of the hard rock band Element. Their career highlights include opening for the Scorpions and Europe, in Element’s home country of Turkey. While he was a creative force behind two albums with the band, Kilicer needed the space creatively and literally, to push his artistic vision to the limits.

After building his own recording studio, Kilicer got down to the nuts and bolts of putting together a solo project. On Gravity, Kilicer composed the songs, played the instruments and did the vocals and mixing. His EP project Dew of Roses consists of three songs where Kilicer has created a blend of heavy rock with progressive elements and a theatrical brushstroke.


“Devil’s Thought” music begins with a building tension and a “Phantom of the Opera” feel. The video doesn’t stray far from that feeling with the introduction of an unsuspecting soon-to-be-in-trouble heroine. Cue the blistering guitar, drum work that doesn’t hide in the corner and Kilicer’s raw and edgy vocal.

Adding to the constricting atmosphere of the video is the farmhouse at night complete with a flurry of bats. The sleeping beauty awakens. Are the chilling scenes reality, dreams, or something worse? Kilicer himself, appears throughout the video, mostly surrounded by the flames of the burning house, as he pounds out the searing guitar work which is the essence of the song.

The video is as heavy in mood as the music is heavy with sound. Fully enveloping the canvas with dark and creepy imagery, the video takes the substance of the song and sets it ablaze with terror.

Tis the season of all things that go bump in the night, so hold your breath and keep the devil’s thoughts out of your mind. Pay no attention to creaking floors, or lights that suddenly go dark. Just watch, listen, and let the music keep the evil away.

Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

Kivinc Kilicer website

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