“Like We’re Young,” Newest Single from Ferris Pier, featuring Pickwick

By on November 26, 2019

From time to time, we all need a little something to brighten our day and lift our mood. If today is one of those days, here we have just the thing to help you out. A new song from LA-based producer Ferris Pier featuring Pickwick is the remedy for a day of the blahs.

“Like We’re Young” is a light, infectious song of new love and those feelings of your heart jumping out of your chest.

Over the past year, Ferris Pier has been collaborating with various artists, including several from The Voice, and has seen his career explode. His latest venture with garage band/r&b artist Pickwick looks like it will continue the trend. Ferris Pier (Jonathan Pasma) was a Jazz Performance major in college while simultaneously studying to become a physician. He ended up a sports doctor but never lost his passion for music. Last year, Pier cut back on his day job and dove deep into the dance music/pop music genre. Judging from his recent success, his medical career might soon be taking a back seat to his musical production pursuit.

Take a listen to “Like We’re Young” and think back on that first date or first love, and the memories that go with it.


Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

Ferris Pier website

Ferris Pier YouTube

Pickwick instagram

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