New Album From Apache Rose Gets Your “Attention!”

By on February 24, 2021

Though 2020 was not the most conducive year for music creativity, Moscow based rockers Apache Rose debuted their single “Tiny Love.” After another three singles, the band just released their full-length album titled Attention!.

Once again Ilya Novokhatskiy takes care of the writing and vocals. Spending some of his childhood in the U.S., his musical influences are easy to spot in his latest effort.

Attention! begins with the latest single, “Easy.” Catchy and lending to foot tapping, there’s a hook that pulls you in. It rocks, to be sure, though it’s not too heavy.

Most of the album has a scratchy and fuzzy tone and “On My Watch” is no exception. There’s a whole lot of nice guitar work carrying through and a range of vocal styles.

Apache Rose’s debut single is also included. “Tiny Love” first reviewed here holds up well as a piece of the whole album.

“Hit Me” has a reggae beat buried under an ominous melody. It can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, while taking you subliminally over the edge. A very cool effect.

“Attention!,” the title song is an effortless rocker. Novokhatskiy has a distinctive vocal sound as well as style. Here he makes full use of what he does best.

The album ends with a kind of pop ballad called “Some Kind Of Love.” There’s a connect with some Beatles influence, upbeat and fun. It’s an easy listen and lets the album end softly, breaking with the more rockin’ songs that make up the earlier tunes.

Attention! overall is a fun rock and roll road trip. Lots of nice guitar work, catchy riffs, and interesting vocals. Fairly even on song quality and worth a listen or two.

Post by Kath Galasso @KatsTheory

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