Plainfield Motorcycle and Jeep Ride + Poker Run to support Brain Injury Survivors of Indiana Saturday, September 18, 2021

By on September 2, 2021

The Five Star Motorcycle & Jeep Ride + Poker Run, hosted by the Plainfield Eagles Lodge #3207, will help to raise money for Brain Injury Survivors of Indiana. Enjoy food, raffles, beer garden and more!

Saturday, September 18
Registration begins at 9 a.m., kickstands up at 11 a.m.

Plainfield F.O.E | 5556 E. U.S. 40 | Plainfield, IN

$20 per motorcycle / Jeep
+$10 if passenger wants to participate in Poker Run
$5 for food for a non-rider

About Brain Injury Survivors of Indiana

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) Group. We support Survivors of Brain Injury by

Raising funds to provide transportation to support groups, taking them into the

Community to do fun things they should be doing at their age. Provide educational speakers and information to help build self-esteem, social relationships and activities. Also to send our members to camp especially for Brain Injury. We pick a cause every year for our giving month to work on helping others in need. We believe the best healing happens when helping others.

Please visit us on:



Media Contact: Rhonda Freeman, 317-709-5155

Also visit our sister non-profit – The future independent Living Apartment Community specifically for Brain Injury.

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