Back in the Days; Photographer Jamel Shabazz

By on August 19, 2016

Brooklyn native and photographer Jamel Shabazz grew up in New York at the dawn of hip hop.

“Back in the Days” is filled with his photographs documenting the emerging Hip Hop scene from 1980-1989 —before it became what is today’s multi-million-dollar multinational industry. Back in the days, gangs would battle not with guns, but by breakdancing. Back in the days, the streets—not corporate planning—set the standards for style. Back in the days, Jamel Shabazz was on the scene, photographing everyday people hangin’ in Harlem, kickin’ it in Queens, and cold chillin’ in Brooklyn.

Back in the Days

Here is a sampling from some of the Jamel Shabazz photographs from the book, “Back in the Days” courtesy of timeline @ Please click on the link above to order or view the full gallery.


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