All posts tagged "paul maged"

  • Paul Maged says “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright”

    Veteran NYC-Based Singer Songwriter Paul Maged always has something profound to express, whether it’s hard-hitting and politically charged or emotionally charged and positive. His hyper-catchy new single “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright” leans towards the latter tendency, themed on gratitude and seizing...

    • Posted July 22, 2022
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  • Paul Maged Completes EP Trilogy with ‘Fight To The Death’

    New York City singer-songwriter Paul Maged is back with the final piece of his musical trilogy titled Fight To The Death. It’s been over two years since Maged released the first part of his triad, Light Years...

    • Posted July 22, 2019
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  • maged
    Paul Maged Releases ‘The Resistance’

    Sometimes the best laid plans… well, you know how that goes. When we last caught up with New York singer-songwriter Paul Maged, he had just released the first in a trilogy of planned EPs. After Light Years...

    • Posted January 3, 2019
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  • ‘Light Years Away’ From Paul Maged, Reviewed

    Paul Maged has just released his third album Light Years Away is an eclectic collection of songs both in style and in substance. It is also the first part of a planned trilogy of EPs from New...

    • Posted October 17, 2017
    • 1
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