Wright Brothers in Anderson, IN 11/14/2013

By on November 15, 2013

Last night was a dry run of Hoosier Park Casino’s all NEW Terrace Showroom. I shouldn’t really say dry run because the entertainment was the incredible Wright Brothers, an Indiana staple for decades. Hoosier Park wanted a run through to anticipate problems with lighting and sound, as well as service so that there would be no hitch for the inaugural concert with Bret Michaels next Saturday.

The Wright Brothers were the perfect band to test the sound because of their perfect harmonies. The sound was fabulous, and evenly balanced throughout the venue. To me, the seating is set up much like Les Paul’s Iridium Jazz Club in NYC, and true to Hoosier Park, there is a server or a bar every 20 feet. It’s simply beautiful.

From the Hoosier Park website:  The new, 1,200-seat Terrace Showroom features cushioned, theater-style seating, state-of-the-art sound and light, an up-close-and-personal stage, pre-event dining room and full service bars. Plus, enjoy luxury mini-suites complete with a personal host/hostess serving up cocktails and small plates!

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