Cirque Du Soleil -Varekai Indianapolis Premiere

By on July 25, 2014

Tonight was opening night of a four day run in Indianapolis for Cirque Du Soleil – Varekai, and while this writer has seen his share of Cirques, tonight was among the best. If you like costumed fantasy characters, stunning  gymnasts in body suits so tight you can see some body jewelry, aerial acrobatics, and a band so versatile they can play it all — then this is your show. Based loosely on an Icarus character being injured and being healed by the energy of those around him, looking for a story in this grand production is difficult, but really unnecessary.

With strolling musicians and vocalists like Fiddler on the Roof, beautiful people flying around on rope tethers and a trapeze, and toned athletes just flying through the air, just add music. And there was music. The six piece band played Romanian gypsy dance music, Island dance music, accompanied the songs sung in French which I didn’t understand, but what put them over the top was a very close rendition of The Rains of Castamere from Game of Thrones. Yep, they were just that good. The costumes were, well, colorful, as you’ll see.  I photographed half of the show, so there are a lot of photos here, many of them with the performers in mid air. The only thing that I didn’t like were the clowns, but that could easily be my fault. I don’t understand British humor, so French humor is a stretch for me, although there were a few moments that I did think were cute.  Perhaps the purpose of the clowns were to give the performers time to get some oxygen, because this was a very high energy show.  There are only five performances left, the show ends Sunday, July 27.  Strongly recommended, B+

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